Mashup Score: 0Personalising Treatment in Child Mental Health: Leveraging and Extending IPDMA Methodology - 4 day(s) ago
In this Papers Podcast, Professor Jennifer Hudson and Lizél-Antoinette Bertie discuss their co-authored JCPP Editorial Perspective ‘Extending IPDMA methodology to drive treatment personalisation in child mental health’. There is an overview of the paper, key findings, and implications for practice. 1. Define and summarise how Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis (IPDMA) works. 2. The limitations of randomised control trials, systematic reviews and conventional meta-analyses in terms of answering
Source: acamhlearn.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 1Quick Literature Updates Episode 17 - 4 day(s) ago
We’re back with sixteenth episode of “Quick Literature Updates” the podcast series that delivers the latest updates in pediatric surgery literature in a quic…
Source: www.youtube.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Dr. Jane Newburger of Harvard Medical School to receive 2024 Eugene Braunwald Academic Mentorship Award - 4 day(s) ago
Embargoed until 7 a.m. CT/8 a.m. ET, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024 DALLAS, Nov. 6, 2024 — Jane W. Newburger, M.D., M.P.H., FAHA, who is the associate chair for academic affairs in the department of cardiology at Boston Children’s Hospital and the …
Source: newsroom.heart.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
Watch IBEROMERICANA’s Dr. Johana Sosa Jurado’s presentation on “Epidemiological study of pediatric robotic surgery…
Source: staycurrentapp.app.linkCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 0
This cross-sectional study examines the association between mental health treatment uptake and the existence of state laws prohibiting youths to consent to their own care.
Source: jamanetwork.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 0Inside the Teen Brain - Just be Yourself - 4 day(s) ago
In this episode, Inside the Teen Brain: Just Be Yourself, Professor Deborah Christie joins Dr. Jane Gilmour to discuss the complexities of identity formation during adolescence. Professor Christie explores how creative therapeutic approaches, such as metaphors and frameworks, can provide adolescents with a safe space to reflect on their strengths, abilities, and aspirations. The conversation highlights the significant role of peers, family, and supportive networks in shaping a young person’s sense of
Source: acamhlearn.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet-
Explore how creative therapeutic techniques can empower young people to reflect on their strengths & aspirations with this fantastic episode of ‘Inside the Teen Brain’, entitled ‘Just be Yourself’, with @DrJaneGilmour & @drdebs2110. An interesting watch! https://t.co/4XYdzPqMKp https://t.co/hWPcOx5At5
Mashup Score: 0Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry | ACAMH Pediatric Journal | Wiley Online Library - 4 day(s) ago
Background Understanding the mechanisms of change and between-family differences in behavioural parenting interventions for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may help per…
Source: acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 1
Texas state health officials confirmed 24 cases of measles, as New Mexico announced its first case this year in a county on the state border.
Source: www.usatoday.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 7
The Golden State Warriors icon is the cool dad at home. But Steph Curry might have taken it a step too far as he gets sold out by his wife Ayesha.
Source: www.si.comCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet
Mashup Score: 2Share the Love (and Your Story) This February - 4 day(s) ago
Posted by: Chuck Archer, NASP GPR Committee Central Region Representative on I am not sure why we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day in the shortest and often coldest month of the year. Maybe the date was chosen in an attempt to generate some warmth in the midst of winter; however, some traditions honor Valentine’s in the summer. Historical records noting Valentine’s Day date back to the 8 th century, and the day has become a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of love. It is worthy of
Source: www.nasponline.orgCategories: General Medicine News, PediatricsTweet-
In honor of Valentine's Day, this Policy Matters blog challenges you to celebrate your love of the profession by participating in advocacy. Sharing your story is a powerful tool for engaging in advocacy and uplifting the challenges facing your community. https://t.co/z8ntGOMJsg https://t.co/nnXepGaBH6
In this podcast, @jenlhudson & @BertieLizel define & summarise how Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis works & share insight into PADDY (the Platform for #AnxietyDisorder Data in Youth) & the importance of the formation of a topic-based data repository. https://t.co/7K7XfvRYj7 https://t.co/4k1KaKoCM4