Trial of Short-Course Antimicrobial Therapy for Intraabdominal Infection | NEJM
Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — Trial of Short-Course Antimicrobial Therapy for Intraabdominal Infection
Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — Trial of Short-Course Antimicrobial Therapy for Intraabdominal Infection
To us specialists in Infectious Diseases, there are certain verities we hold near and dear to our hearts: Antibiotics are miracle drugs, but the bugs will…
To us specialists in Infectious Diseases, there are certain verities we hold near and dear to our hearts: Antibiotics are miracle drugs, but the bugs will…
Harvard/Brigham Infectious Diseases doctor, writer, editor, educator. Prefer baseball to football, pizza to sushi, dogs to cats, Beatles to Stones.
An East Coast Academic Infectious Disease doctor & Professor tells the truth no one will say
Before I get back to the saga of Brave New Name — How PCP Became PJP and Why It Matters, allow me to share that I…
Before I get back to the saga of Brave New Name — How PCP Became PJP and Why It Matters, allow me to share that I…
IDWeek is the joint annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and several other major organizations. Dr. Frances Ue, an infectious
In the pre-E**n M**k era of the site then known at Twitter, I posted a poll about a very important debate in clinical Infectious Diseases:…
In the pre-E**n M**k era of the site then known at Twitter, I posted a poll about a very important debate in clinical Infectious Diseases:…
This Viewpoint discusses the optimal treatment duration of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in people with obesity and the benefits of off-ramping, the tapering of these…