Cancer Nursing Today

Cancer Nursing Today delivers critical news and information to support oncology nurses throughout their education and careers.

Advanced Practice Roles Receive Top Job Rankings

Dear readers,

Have you heard the news? We recently announced the addition of advanced practitioners to Cancer Nursing Today‘s logo and overall branding to show our unique dedication to serving all nursing professionals in oncology.

With the update to our branding and logo, we’ll continue to leverage our growing website, e-newsletters, social media platforms, and annual CARE Award to showcase the valuable perspectives and vital leadership roles of advanced practitioners and nurses in oncology.

For example, we’re proud to highlight that advanced practice roles received top job rankings from the U.S. News & World Report, and share our nursing-focused coverage of the American Society of Clinical Oncology GI Cancers Symposium.

Looking for more news and insights? Our website is regularly updated with timely content created for and by nurses and advanced practitioners.

Until next time,

Cancer Nursing Today Editors
