Dual Axis Illusion
Best Illusion of the Year Contest – 2019 Title: Dual Axis Illusion Authors: Frank Force Country: USA
Best Illusion of the Year Contest – 2019 Title: Dual Axis Illusion Authors: Frank Force Country: USA
According to David Hume, the question of the nature of free will is ‘the most contentious question of metaphysics.’ The debate among scientists and philosophers…
What comes after democratic breakdown.
Nick talks to neuroscientist & geneticist Dr. Kevin Mitchell about: ‘Nature vs. Nurture,’ the genetics of brain development, autism & schizophrenia, human br…
Well, now! The consciousness field is all atwitter! A letter has been published, with 124 signatories, claiming that one prominent “theory …
Science Podcast · 60 Episodes · Updated Fortnightly
A new paper just out in Nature , by Peter Visscher and colleagues (including bio-ethicist Julian Salvulescu) explores the idea of polygenic…
Nature Communications – Artificial neural networks, central to deep learning, are powerful but energy-consuming and prone to overfitting. The authors propose a network design inspired…
Living forms present three fundamental challenges to our understanding: First, they self-assemble – performing all of the decision-making needed to construct a functional, complex body…
Large autism stool metagenomics study finds limited direct autism associations, in contrast to strong relationships with dietary traits, stool consistency, and age, suggestive of a…