Can’t Get Enough of Those Correlations – ConscienHealth
We may have a dependency problem with correlations. Talke a look at the research that creates a buzz and you’ll find that it’s mostly about correlations.
We may have a dependency problem with correlations. Talke a look at the research that creates a buzz and you’ll find that it’s mostly about correlations.
Nature – Next-generation obesity drugs will work differently from Ozempic and Wegovy — aiming to deliver greater weight loss with fewer side effects.
Passini et al. found that mice lacking Runx3/PV sensory neurons or lacking Piezo2 in these neurons exhibit a systemic metabolic phenotype with browning/beiging of adipose tissues.…
Nature – Next-generation obesity drugs will work differently from Ozempic and Wegovy — aiming to deliver greater weight loss with fewer side effects.
Obesity Surgery – Little is known about factors associated with protein intake post-laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, especially in Chinese weight loss patients over 6 months. This project…
Obesity Surgery – Gastric bypass surgery is a highly effective treatment for morbid obesity, offering significant and sustained weight loss and improvement in comorbid conditions.…
Nature – Drug companies are trialling a host of medications that they hope will offer benefits beyond weight loss.
Obesity Surgery – This study aimed to propose and evaluate a severity rating in obesity (SERO) based on a new priority index for bariatric surgery…
Glucagon-like peptide-1–receptor agonists (GLP-1–RAs) are widely used for type 2 diabetes and obesity management, but concerns have emerged regarding
This study compared cardiovascular outcomes associated with metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) therapy in individuals with obesity.